Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Source of life

NAtUrE & NuRTurE


I had never thought that this will play such an important role in my life. I feel very untidy, unacceptable without it. Had never paid any attention to it, but yeah….it still manages to attract my attention. Hmmm..are you thinking what I am talking about so seriously? It is my hair clip that has become so important in my life. Surprised? Hhmm… because I started talking on a serious note?

Just like anyone, I had also never though that the hair clip will play such a vital role in my life. Its importance rose after I decided to grow my hair and I can distinctly remember that at least since 7 years it has been my companion. The reason is of course its ability to manage my hair. It’s the only one which can really hold all my hair and still make me look good and presentable. And because I was going to study in USA without them. Even if we reach the age of 25 and thin, I got 4/5 extra clips with me, of which only two are really good. Now, one of it is ageing and looks like will give away any day now, which means I will be left with only one more clip…my last of the stock. And then what? What happens to my hair, my look and my personality? That’s when I started thinking more about it. How important a small thing like a hair clip is in my life? And how easily we take things for granted? I had never thought that one day I would be worrying about how will I tie my hair if my last clip breaks. That’s how probably we tend to take everything that is always around us for granted…of course it will be there…where will it go and why should I think of what happens in its absence. Just the way we take our best friends, parents and relatives for granted….we never imagine ourselvesk we are independent and don’t really need anyone to lead our life, we are very much tied to our roots and they still nourish us.